Livl Shell  0.1
Livl Shell is an intermediate reimplementation of the bash shell in C language.
include Directory Reference


file  alias.h [code]
 Managing livl-shell aliases.
file  background_manager.h [code]
 File containing the background manager functions to manage the background processes.
file  builtin_commands.h [code]
 File containing the built-in commands functions to manage the built-in commands such as cd, pwd, echo, exit.
file  command.h [code]
 File containing the command functions to manage the commands entered by the user (parsing, evaluation, etc.).
file  command_sequence.h [code]
 File containing the command sequence functions to manage the command sequence (commands and operators).
file  console.h [code]
 File containing the console functions to manage the console (print information, etc.) to avoid code duplication.
file  constants.h [code]
 Header file defining constants.
file  history_command.h [code]
 File containing the functions to manage (load & save, etc.) the history of commands entered by the user to a file.
file  input_parser.h [code]
 File containing the input parser functions to manage the input entered by the user (parsing, evaluation, etc.).
file  main.h [code]
 File containing the main header file to include all the other header files.
file  operator.h [code]
 File containing the operator functions to manage the operators that can be used in the shell.
file  redirection.h [code]
 File containing the redirection functions to manage the redirection operators such as '<', '<<', '>', '>>' and '|'.
file  scheduler.h [code]
 File containing the scheduler functions to manage the execution of commands.
file  typedef.h [code]
 File containing all the typedefs used in the shell program.
file  utils.h [code]
 File containing some utilities.